Conflict vs. Chaos: What's the Difference?
Image source: I have always been drawn to tragic heroes, conflicted characters, angsty characters and characters that appear to be bad, but have the potential to be good. Some characters spring to mind: Severus Snape , Henry Bolet from the game Nancy Drew #17: Legend of the Crystal Skull , Hamlet , Dr. Jonathan Willaway from The Fantastic Journey. Even my own creative writing was more often full of angst, anger and sadness. I always thought that it meant that I liked conflict. I know conflict is what drives a story, so I thought nothing more of it. Until now. Is it chaos I've always been drawn to or both conflict and chaos? Conflict From a story stand-point, there are internal and external conflicts. As you probably know, an internal conflict is when a character struggles with opposing thoughts and emotions. As a Libra, I identify with this and love characters who have an internal struggle. According to Dave Snowde...