An Old Poem for All Hallows' Eve: Ode to the Man

Here is a poem I wrote in university while studying the Romantics and poetry. 

Ode to The Man




Contained, consumed by a vast black land,

Amid entanglements of green webs

Tended by metal monsters and hardened hands.


A frustrated feline upon the rooftops crept,

Seeking refuge in that solitary state,

As the squall came rolling, in silence wept.


Unfathomed, thought she, that that Godly Fate

Had left her as a foundling in fog

Searching for that one true mate.


Nightly escapes from masked pigs as dogs

Ran she as I and I as she,

Caught in the man’s net and he,

With seductive dark eyes, launched into his prologue.




Thou cast upon me a knightly gaze

Face of weather more than Male,

In thine eyes a sparkle of craze.


Feeling thy gentle hand brush back my veil,

Rushing water running through me,

I say, “With forked tongue, spin thy tale.”


“For thine eyes to see

Would reveal my world insane

With fear and loathing quite possibly.”


Thou, leaning in to explain,

delivers a searing kiss,

Like madness unknown, I push in vain.


The hurt passes, turned to bliss

as taste of liquid life

pours from my lips.

Thy touch pains me as would a knife,

But love thou, I do,

Heart, soul, blood of blue.

How I long to heal thy strife!




“Many centuries from thou I precede—

Shall I tell thee more?”

“Aye, dear Angel, I beg thee!”


“I can show thee Beauty’s gore.

Reveal the inner soul’s toil—

Know not me, for sure?”


“Nay, I know thee not from this mortal coil”,

Say I, “Thou hast me utterly beguiled.”

“Thence, my plan thou art powerless to foil!”


“Kind sir, thou art of manner wild!

If thou knowst me,

Then show mercy

And I will be thy servant unbridled.”




“Fool of a woman!  Thou art to me already tied,

And as such, it shall stay

Until and beyond the day thou hast died.”


“Remember not my cold breath

Graced upon thy warm neck,

But with our melancholy love, recollect

That my name be Death.”


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