A Night In The Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny is a good enthralling read. It's a book that groups together Jack the Ripper, Dracula, Frankenstein and others into a ritual that dictates the opening and closing of a Hellish place. These characters each have a pet, find ingredients for their success in the ritual and are at odds with each other because each one is either a 'Closer' or 'Opener'. The book is narrated by Jack's pet, Snuff, who is not all that he seems either. Sherlock Holmes is ever present, though, his role is not clear until the end. I enjoyed the book especially because it gathers the famous myths and legends together in a different environment. It must be quite a challenge for the author to try to faithfully design the known characters to common knowledge. The plot is also a creative way to depict why Jack was on the killing spree; in this case, it was for the collecting of ingredients for the ritual. I recommend this book. Perfect for an October thriller!