Midnight in Salem: The Case of the Disappointing Game
Image Source: https://www.herinteractive.com/shop-games/33-nancy-drew-midnight-in-salem/ *Spoilers are in this text. Well, I played Midnight in Salem , the 33 rd Nancy Drew game, and it was a new game, but not a Nancy Drew game. Why? Because HeR Interactive tore out the soul of what made the adventure games so special. That isn’t to say that the game doesn’t have improvements or good qualities. It does. But it is no longer what it used to be or could have been. I am a dedicated Nancy Drew fan and cling to the original Nancy Drew yellow hardcover books. I have been playing Nancy Drew games since 2004, and I have played games 1-29 over and over again, saving the last three since they contain the magic that drew me to the series. The Pros Environment This aspect of the game is, without a doubt, the number-one improvement in the series. There is no argument. The natural areas, like the surrounding property of Moosham Castle and the Hathorne House fores...