The Halloween Spirit: Quantum Leap's "The Boogieman"
This is one of my favorite episodes, mainly because it diverts from the usual Quantum Leap story line of Sam Beckett changing someone's life or several people's lives in order for himself to leap home. For those of you who have not seen this episode, do NOT read on because there are spoilers. And you do not want this episode spoiled! ***Spoilers Ahead*** I never realized all the clues that pointed to Al not being Al. In fact, on my first viewing, I only noticed one of the clues and thought it was a goof. Boy, was I kicking myself at the end! Having watched so many episodes, I should have noticed the clues. At the end, Sam mentions a few of the clues, but I want to provide a more complete list: Sound: when Sam is with the Sheriff after Tully's death, "Al" speaks off-camera and instead of the usual background chords that play when he appears, there is haunting music Visual: The Sheriff and Mary can sense "Al's" presence throughout ...